Thursday, April 8, 2010

Jesus was taken into the wilderness by the Spirit for the test. Matt. 4:1

Wondering why this page is called surviving in the wilderness yet? Good! cause I cant wait to tell you what the Lord has been doing in me these past couple of weeks!
Ive actually been reading a book about skills to push you thru your wilderness seasons in your life.
In this book, a wilderness season is described like this : "a time of testing, trying, and training an individual. It is often marked by a period of isolation, loneliness, temptation, sorrow and waiting."
Nothing drastic has happened in my life, but life has been like a wilderness lately. alot of unknowns. When walking in the woods, some times you come across a place that you have to choose to go one way or the other. For me being an anxious person already, I hate these areas in our lives.
Kind of crazy but as I was sitting here this morning, I wrote a summary of my mission trip to L.A. that I went on about 2 weeks ago. The title of it was "The Road Less Traveled". didnt hit me until just now, but sometimes when we come across the areas in our lives where we have to pick which way to go, we often opt out on the tough "road less traveled" and we pick our stuff up and head down that easy path. My eyes were opened to so many incredible truths and realities on that trip. God ruined me that week and daily is continuing to do such a thing.
Life isn't a guranteed easy route. its unevitable that things are going to come along that will sure to throw us for a loop and there are areas in our lives that we are going to be pressed on every corner of our lives. but honestly I wouldnt want to be anywhere else but here. When life is uncomfortable, I come to the desperate place in my life where I can't do anything else but seek the Lord for Him to be my shelter and safeplace, to cover me with His safety. It never fails, He covers me. Desperation for Him causes a dependency on Him that results in a deeper relationship with Him.
We all will face times that we feel we are walking in a wilderness seasons. but buckle down and stand strong . He will bring it thru it if you lean and hunker under His faithfulness and mercy.

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